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What is Intent Based infrastructure management creates a framework for change the architect defines the intent, and the network adds, moves, and changes as needed to support new services.

What is Intent Based?

Intent-based networking is a software-enabled automation process that uses high levels of intelligence, analytics, and orchestration to improve network operations and uptime. When operators describe the business outcomes they wish to accomplish, the network converts those objectives into the configuration necessary to achieve them, without individual tasks having to be coded and executed manually.

For example, consider the need for secure communications between two networks. Intent would broadly state that a secure tunnel is needed between Network A and Network B. An operator would identify which traffic should use the tunnel and describe any other desired general properties of the tunnel. But the operator wouldn’t specify how the tunnel is to be implemented, such as the number of devices to be used, how BGP advertisements should be made, or which specific features and parameters to turn on.

Instead, an intent-based networking system automatically generates a full configuration of all devices based on the service description. It then provides ongoing assurance checks between the intended and operational state of the network, using closed-loop validation to continuously verify the correctness of the configuration.

Intent-based networking is a declarative network operation model. It contrasts with traditional imperative networking, which requires network engineers to specify the sequence of actions needed on individual network elements and creates significant potential for error.

While intent-based networking is not awe concept, most companies are still somewhere on the evolutionary path toward achieving it.

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